Imagine this setting. 100 million years ago or so. Dinosaurs rule the world. Mammals have spread out around the globe, but despite the fact they have been around for 100 millions years already, their small size and relative “newness” keeps them from ruling the Earth on their own. Who would you root for in this scenario? Would your twitter feed fill with trends like #dinosrule or #mammalsaregoingdown? Whose facebook page would have more likes? 100 million years ago, I would have to say the inaccurately named “terrible lizards” take the cake, leading us to Dr. Kent’s paradoxical commandment number seven:
People favor underdogs but follow only top dogs. Fight for a few underdogs anyway.
Bet against me, did you? Coming for you, I am. Talk like Yoda, I do. |
"Thanks for the help Chicxulub!" said the mammals. |
- I first encountered an adapted version of the “Paradoxical Commandments,” titled “The Final Analysis,” while listening to a Wayne Dyer audio CD in my early twenties. The meaning and message struck me as true, helping guide my thoughts and actions as I developed from a big kid into a real adult. Later, I discovered the poem was not actually written by Mother Theresa at all, but adapted, framed, and hung on the wall in her Calcutta orphanage. She cared about its message enough to use it to empower the weak and marginalized children to whom she gave her life.
The Paradoxical Commandments are reprinted with permission. © Copyright Kent M. Keith 1968, renewed 2001
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